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Team meeting
Annual general meeting 2023

Annual General Meeting was held

1st of November 14.00-16.00 CET on Teams.

All members received a “Teams link” before the meeting.


Proposed Agenda for Annual Meeting 2023

– Final Agenda will be announced 25th of October

  1. Welcome and presentation of the pre-board

  2. Assignment of Meeting Minute Taker/Referee

  3. Assignment of Meeting Conductor

  4. Approval of the Agenda

  5. Address submitted proposed Items for Any Other Business (AOB)

i.  None received before the meeting
ii.  Feel free to write in the chat before the election, if you would like us to address a topic during the 'any other business' session.

  6. Review of the memorandum and short report on the work that has been done

  7. Information about the Bylaws

  8. How can you be involved/engaged in GIILO?

i.  Subgroups
ii.  Ideas – from all members
iii.  Serve the interest of members

  9. There is no membership fee the first year and no budget to approve

 10. Short presentation of the nominated candidates and the process by the Nomination Committee

a) Election of the GIILO board

i.  Election of Chair of GIILO (elected for 3 y)
ii.  Election of Board members – 10 in total. 5 elected for 3y by voting. The rest will be elected for 2y. (After 2 y, these 5 positions will be up for election for a 3y term. This prevents simultaneous election for the entire board in the future).
iii.  Elect/Select the Chair of the Nomination Committee (elected for 3 y, not part of the board)

11. Information on 6th International ILO Conference

12. AOB proposed before meeting and if addressed during meeting

Proposals to the agenda

You may submit proposals to the agenda before 20th of October 2023 to

Nomination guidelines

You may nominate yourself or other for Chair and/or board member.

Nomination committee may also search for candidates.

Nomination committee:

Tod Olin Chair

Claudio Milstein (member of board)

Thomas Halvorsen

Criteria for nomination:

Member of GIILO and interest in ILO

Election will be held on:
  1. Chair (lasting 3 years)

  2. Board members (8 - 10 persons) lasting 3 years. This year, 5 persons will be elected for 2 years.

Proposals should include:

Picture, Name, Country, Workplace, Position, Experience with ILO and what you bring to the board. Position for election; Chair or board member. Maximum 200 words.


Send the proposal to the Nomination Committee: no later than 20th of October 2023.


Nomination Committee will present all candidates, and if necessary, define groups for voting to strive for diversity based on, global geographic representation, gender, specialties and more.


All candidates eligible for voting will be presented and published on the GIILO-website one week before the annual meeting.

Voting will be electronic and online.

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